It is a picture of us during one of our check-ups with Dr. Wei.

病患: Victor Chiong Phai Hun.

2020年我陪先生從馬尼拉到台灣去做心臟檢查,醫生建議要盡快做心臟手術,但因為新冠肺炎擴散,我們無法再入境台灣,拖到12月台彎略有開放,這時我朋友都建議我們要到振興醫院開刀,因為振興醫院院長魏崢是台灣首屈一指的心臟外科權威。四十多年的行醫經驗,開過數千次的心臟手術。於是我們與魏崢院長約談,兩位醫師通過 Zoom 與我們長談約半小時,很仔細很耐心地講解手術過程,並解答我們的問題,他們的專業與愛心,不但增強了我們的信心,最讓我們感動的是這麼忙碌的,出名的醫生,竟然也是這麼和藹可親,這麼有耐心。因此我們毅然決定要到振興醫院做心臟手術,不再猶豫。


三. 2021年正月我先生為做冠状动脉绕道手术住院,感謝振興醫院特設[海外病患服務部],照顧初到台灣,人地生疏的國外病患。我們非常感謝心臟科林明珊護理長和心臟醫學中心的桑良玉醫務專員,我們剛到醫院時她們便在門口等待我們,以後我們每次的門診,她們皆照常在門口等候我們,並且一路陪伴我們,從特診中心的報到,到診前檢查,辦理住院手續,看診,繳費,領藥等等,莫不仔細講解引導。

Dear Cheng Hsin General Hospital,

It has been three months since my Dad’s successful Aortic value replacement and double bypass surgery. I just wanted to update you that he is diligent in taking his maintenance medicines and doing his daily exercises. He is getting better day by day. Thank you.

It has been a long journey since our first visit to Cheng Shin Hospital in Taiwan last January 2020. Our initial plan was to come back to Taiwan from the Philippines for my dad’s surgery around April 2020, but COVID-19 happened. Everything was put on hold and we did not know if my dad’s surgery would push through in Taiwan. In spite of the uncertainty, we were updated regularly regarding the entry policies of Taiwan by the international coordinator Ms. Sang. We were also able to have two Zoom consultations with Cheng Hsin Director Dr. Wei, our operating surgeon. He was very good in explaining the options and pros and cons of each one. We felt confident after the consultations that we picked the right hospital. When we were informed that Taiwan was accepting Medical Visitors last December 2020 we quickly did all the paperwork, got our Taiwan Visa and flew to Taiwan in just a weeks time.

I really appreciate that Ms. Sang helped us through the paperwork and informed us regarding the entry and quarantine policies. This helped us plan and set our expectations.

We felt that she treated us not as a customer but as family.

Once in the hospital, Cheng Hsin Director Dr. Wei and his team visited us the first day, greeted us and answered more of our questions. I am very sure that he is a very busy man and I am very grateful for his time and patience with us. We were very fortunate to have him as our Surgeon as he explained everything very clearly. Once we decided on the direction, the procedure went well and smoothly.

We want to specially thank Ms. Sang and Head Nurse Sanmy, who took good care of us and visited my dad regularly in his room. They made sure my dad did his exercise and made him smile on a daily basis. Head Nurse Sanmy even helped and advised me and my mom on what check-ups and tests to get in order to check our health status while staying in Taiwan. Thanks also to all the nurses on the 11″ floor who check up on my dad several times a day.

In spite of COVID-19 and the world turning upside down. We felt comfort during our stay in Cheng Hsin General hospital and Taiwan. Thanks once again to the Cheng Hsin team who treated us as Family.

Cris Giovanni Co Chiong (patient’s Son)
